tags : education



  • Democratic education, this already is a type of alternate education.
  • Transparency in the education system, students should be able to see for themselves why they are studying something, this can be aided by suitable pedagogy. How are they benefiting from it, how is the society benefiting from it. Are there any political angle to what they are studying etc. We also need a finance flow model of how and where the money going:
  • The authorities should have a separate customer support department to help answer queries, there should be a quick feedback loop both ways. If some institution is not performing well they should be able to contact the correct authority and receive good actionable and friendly replies. At the same time, people should be able to identify inefficiencies.
  • The govt. of any single country is not able to solve the problem of education(yet not defined), solving it needs help from NGOs and various stakeholders in the education system. Making the system transparent will only allow the stakeholders(even students) to help make the education system better.


  • what about places like china, are chinese ppl with what they study, is the chinese education board happy with what they are offering.


  • Optimize for maximum efficiency, a dance school can be more than that of a dance school, have a playbook that organizations can follow to maximize profits and efficiency. Get help etc. It can also be a reading club etc.
  • Opening a center to help educate someone should be like starting a startup, there should be resources to help the education center grow.
  • We’ve to make sure that the policy of education aligns with other policies and make sure about what they do is constantly implemented. Development environment v/s production, constantly improve what’s not working in a transparent manner so that the students and parents and other stakeholders can contribute.