tags : education

Personal Ideas


  • next generation: enable them to communicate better. i.e teach them to learn, read and write because that’s how we move humanity forward into the future.
  • less privileged: everything about next generation but also human values. Because they might not have had a mentor to teach them those values. Immersive learning of human values.


  • Biggest barrier for children are adults around them.
  • Adults understand things better so they should understand children.
  • How we treat children is usually picked up from the society and background we live in.

Obsolete Teaching

  • Students should not be bought up in the past but in the present or in the future.
  • What’s relevant elsewhere might not be relevant locally. So based on where the future lies, what’s obsolete might change.
  • There should be automated mechanism to detect how obsolete the teachings of some institution is.
  • Example: GIMT Guwahati is bringing up students in the past.

Contractual Education

  • Contractor idea applied to education. Private organizations takes up the responsibility to improve certain sections of society.
  • Example: Through their grant, the Pittsburgh Community Kitchen will provide culinary training and sustainable employment opportunities for 100 people transitioning into the workforce from incarceration, homelessness, addiction, or mental illness.

Digital education

  • Digital natives might not have digital literacy.
  • Past was about delivered education, now we need to think about user generated wisdom.

Education Institutions

  • Model to follow when creating educational institutions should be the chinese restaurant model in contrast to the McDonald’s model. This will allow the required customization and less restrictions.
  • One spreads and the other one scales. Anyone can create a Chinese restaurant but not anyone can open a McDonalds.