tags : education

Random Ideas

Easier start of schools

  • I am not sure of the current state of education organizations but regulations should allow people to start schools, small schools, independent schools, they can hire teachers from these organizations then.


  • How to become different stakeholders in education, eg. how to become a teacher, how to become a policymaker, etc.
  • How to open an educational NGO, guide. take help from the ycombinator blog and other books when writing this. Eg. Have a Wikipedia page for sure. your description should not be too abstract, etc.


Laptop Donation

  • Donate your laptop, we’ll install Linux on it and share it with students who need it.

Study materials market

  • It’s similar to what UPI did to banks. An overlay that improves the experience 10x
  • people/students/private orgs prepare study materials/teaching methods and the license it in some way
  • schools/orgs/govt can buy it.
  • This will encourage alternative education through the traditional institutions
  • Example for the previous point; if statistics teacher needs some kind of backup or help on the syllabus, they can hire other teachers who can help them teach the subject better way collaboratively. (eg. How Google hires contractual companies). The teachers should know who to reach out when they are not able to solve a problem, the problem here is some students not grasping the concepts.

Scool Museums

  • Make schools feel more like a museum, have some fixed for giving school tours, people can come to visit a school if they have an appointment and learn more about how education happens here. Explore the problems that the school is facing and use help if the visitor is able to give any help. “Go visit a school/NGO should” be an action.
  • If you’re visiting a new city for a few days, you search for places to teach your skill/if anyone asked about learning that skill. then you can arrange an offline class with them. similar to the NGO tour thingy.

Writing rooms/Study rooms

  • This can also have seasons
  • writing rooms styled by historical epoch Hemingway room: Havana-themed cafe, stifling pre-AC humidity, tendrils of smoke rising from ashtray Shakespeare room: formal English attire, classical music playing in the background, actors rehearsing lines

Action list

  • People just be wasting their potential
  • A list of things that people can act upon, this can be combined with the testgrid.
  • Eg. People can realize that we’re missing reading rooms in Guwahati which help in developing reading habits which help in making better citizens.
  • So someone who is interested can start a reading room, otherwise people don’t even realize that there is this problem unless they themselves feel it even if they have the capability to act on it.

Camps and Houses


  • Aspects: Curriculum objectives, syllabus, textbook, teaching/learning material, capacity of teacher, teacher education system, operations on the ground, block level education, state level management.
  • Mediums: Magazines, books, digests, videos, podcasts, listening to other people, workshops, thinking, exploring your own mind, images, activities/realizations, animations, drama, music more.
  • The gamut: private preschool, public elementary school, charter middle school, inner-city public middle-school, elite private boarding school, magnet public high-school. *In India, this is different.

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