tags : education

Personal Ideas

Better syllabus

  • Research on how to design better and uptodate syllabus.
  • Suppose student is reading about X and there were 23 updates on X since the text was written. Student should be aware of the changes automatically.
  • When creating syllabus, there should be metadata about why that is included in the syllabus. Why is it relevant. This allows Historicism of the syllabus itself and makes the authorities more accountable about the content they put in a syllabus.
  • Students should understand the curriculum, who is making them study something, do they have any other option. Eg. student→teacher→school mgmt→ school board→district board→ some NGO suggesting syllabus etc. This will also allow students to suggest changes to something, they will be able to debug a problem they are facing to the root and request for change. Their argument can be supported by evidence, otherwise, students are just complaining about their problems to teachers.

Why syllabus

  • Collecting knowledge from the internet is not easy, plus it’s distracting. one must be aware of what’s a good resource etc.
  • Also it needs to be structured and ordered in the right way.


  • Here’s an inverted idea. Student first learns about their surrounding. Then their state, then their country and then the world.
  • Not necessarily in that order but we often ignore the surrounding aspect whereas I feel it’s the most important as the student exist in that surrounding and they should have the most knowledge about how to navigate it.
  • Syllabus being local first will also help them experiment easier as the experiments will be local specific.
