tags : Book

By Paul Cobbaut

This book is from 2015 and I am reading this book in 2020.

Table of contents TOC


It’s 300 pages long and it introduces itself as a book for newbie Linux System Admins who want to learn more about Networking, so this book is trying to be a teacher here. Sadly this book is not IPv6 centric, has a lot of obsolete commands. I was surprised because the author mentions that the tools are obsolete and still goes on explaining them by command snippets and not explaining a lot about the underlying concepts, which I think is good sometimes but I would like it the other way round. The way this book is written seems more like a blogpost and could possibly be better presented as a multi-part blog post. I found this book randomly on the Internet, I should stop ranting about it. It’s 3:37 AM.

I’d rate this book 3/10 because a lot of information is kind of obsolete now, maybe I’d give it more if I read it 5 years ago. If you want to read this book, I’d suggest finding a better alternative because even though it’s useful information, it’s poorly presented and a lot of the things are obsolete. I think the author knows his stuff(?) but the presentation sucked and it tried teaching too many things. brutal honest.

Chapter 1: General Networking

This chapter gives a basic intro to the OSI and TCP/IP models. We can see the stacking of different layers of the network from this output of Wireshark for DHCP packet,=NTP= packet and ARP broadcast respectively:

[Protocols in Frame: eth:ip:udp:bootp]
[Protocols in frame: eth:ip:udp:ntp]
[Protocols in frame: eth:arp]

This section also introduces unicast, multicast, broadcast and anycast, the book totally skims over the ideas. I’ve written about Data Traversal

Chapter 2. Interface configuration

Obsolete but useful command demos of the same commands in different linux distributions. I kind of got lost interest in the pages and skimmed though the book when Chapter 7 caught my attention.

Chapter 7. Introduction to Networking

A book about networking and the 7th chapter is titled “Introduction to Networking”. This chapter starts off with explaining iptables.

Chapter 9. Introduction to squid

This chapter again caught my attention, section 9.6 upside down images.

a-book-about-linux-networking going haywire. I think the DNS part that followed were good, even if it was shallow.