tags : Notetaking

note: I am no longer updating this page, keeping this as part of the migration.


Getting shit done

  • Opportunity cost: Think about if this will be valuable use of the time.
  • 10/10/10: do if will be doing it in 10 days,months and years.
  • Saying no.
  • Sunk cost fallacy: let go of things when you see diminishing results.
  • Zero days

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Doing Hard things

  • Finding something that is easy, then modify it to be like the hard task in one way.
  • Do it until it’s no longer hard, recursively apply the same.
  • Try different ways to make it hard.

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Munger operating system

  • To get what you want, deserve what you want.
  • Acquiring wisdom is a moral duty as well as a practical one.
  • Use frameworks and mental models to think and store information.
  • Be reliable
  • Avoid intense ideologies
  • I’m not entitled to have an opinion on this subject unless I can state the arguments against my position better than the people do who are supporting it. I think that only when I reach that stage am I qualified to speak.
  • Get rid of self-pity because it generates paranoia, paranoia is hard to reverse.
  • Get rid of self-serving bias and at the same time let others have it. Don’t try to control it for others.
  • Learn the all-important concept of assiduity: Sit down and do it until it’s done.

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How to read a book

  • Reading non-fiction is different from reading fiction
  • Reading technical/math book is way more different than reading non-fiction

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Stevey’s math rant

  • Conventional wisdom does not add up.
  • As a programmer, you can teach yourself math the correct way.
  • For programmers, the most useful branch of discrete math is probability theory.
  • I think it would be nice if every math course spent a full week just introducing you to the subject, in the most fun way possible, so you know why the heck you’re learning it. Heck, that’s probably true for every course.
  • The right way to learn math is breadth-first, not depth-first. You need to survey the space, learn the names of things, figure out what’s what.
  • division is just repeated subtraction.
  • if you see a thick nest of them your inclination is probably to skip right over that sucker as one atomic operation. - on math notations

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Uncharity of educational institutions

  • This article is interesting, but it makes the fundamental error of assuming that the primary product of an R1 research university is education for undergraduates, which it is not. The primary product of an R1 research university is research, largely performed by Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Researchers and Professional Researchers.

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