tags : Notetaking

note: I am no longer updating this page, keeping this as part of the migration.

These are not pure podcast notes as it includes my view on some ideas. So as to say the explainer model at play. Also, I don’t agree with everything here. 😉


Marc Andreessen - Was Natescape an overnight success

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  • Intially the project needed a ferry wheel effect to generate the network effect, more people needed to use the internet to create and consume content for Mosiac to be working

Kapil Gupta - About truth

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  • Truth is like a hydrogen bomb, one drop of truth can change a person without their consent simply upon contact
  • We like to get access to wisdom of other people.
  • Knowing where it isn’t is more powerful and accurate than knowing where it is.
  • Seriousness is extremely rare, but those who are have an wonderful opportunity.
  • What matures overtime is sincerity and seriousness, true genuine desire to attain something.
  • Enlightenment: Not something abstract, questioning and figuring out where are the lies, the untruths, the empty chases in our daily lives.
  • Truth: Not something abstract, it’s very practical, such as peace, such as having no conflict.
  • You must find things that are non negotiable to you, those create your boundaries. But if you need to convince yourself, it isn’t truth.

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  • 4 types of luck:
    • Blind luck
    • Hustle luck
    • Developing a unique point of view
    • Be able to detect good opportunities
  • Busy mind and busy calendar will destroy your future, if you want to be good at what you do you need free time.
  • Founder PMF: you are naturally inclidined to build the right product which has a market fit.
  • Intellect + experience = judgement
  • False precision: Taking too many parameters and getting upto four degrees of precision. In a model the geater estimated variables you have, the greater the error. Try making decisions on lesser parameters if possible.
  • If you want to become a philosopher king, first become a king then become a philosopher.
  • Productize yourself.
  • Making money should be a function of what you do.
  • Find three hobbies:
    • One that makes you money
    • One that keeps you fit
    • One that keeps you creative/smart
  • Accountability: letting people hate on you, stick your neck out, be accountable for what you did.
  • Develop high integrity, clear track record is important.
  • Some great founders find their philanthropic vision by running a business.
  • Principal agent problem, if you want it done then go, if not send.
  • Kelly criterion: don’t bet on everything.
  • Ergodicity rephrased: Play iterated games. All the returns in life, whether in wealth, relationships, or knowledge, come from compound interest.
  • Shelling point: How do you get people to coordinate when they cannot communicate.

Stephen Wolfram - How to tell a computer what to do

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  • Discovered this neat trick that you can learn stuff by reading books. So i learned my way through college physics when I was 13 or something. - Stephen

Meeta Sengupta - NEP2019

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  • Policy cannot be directly implemented, it has to lead to certain programs, strategies, action plan. It is a direction.
  • Brought in new institutions Rashtriya Siksha Aayog to enables visibility and transparency.
  • National Curriculum Framework(NCF) said in class1 you should learn this, in class2 you should learn that etc. NEP2019 changes it to, what the student’s behavior should be in class1 instead, and so on.
  • Different boards:
    • Complexity
    • Inclination towards international curriculum
    • Operation speed
    • Focus areas, eg. STEM, Literature.
  • Clear separation of examination boards and curriculum boards, first one in-charge of conducting exams and second one in-charge of creating textbooks.
  • Vocational education starting as early as class6, fixing pipes, carpentry etc. basic life skills.
  • Class divide between academic and vocational
  • Upgradation of Indian research by upgrading peers
    • Current incentives are based on the traditional promotional structure in Unis.
    • New incentives promotes quality of research
    • Is quality of research ↔️ improving the lives of people ? Some research don’t show social impacts till 50 years.
  • Building competence of teachers - No temporary teachers will be allowed (not good as per gupta, temporary teachers are good at-least they hold the class), what problem is this solving? - 4year integrated degree for teaching (the 2 year degrees are complete mockery) > If programming bootcamps can create competent programmers in 8 months that are sometimes better than students with a 4y BS in CS, then what’s the argument against terming a 2 year degree a waste other than that the education is not properly provided.
  • Teacher Pathway Framework(Guptas personal project)
    • Find out ways to figure out how we can qualify teachers as mentors.
    • Qualify as teacher researchers
    • Will keep the buzz for teachers
  • 5+3+3+2 curriculum
    • Current education system is a misery trap, full of rote learning
    • Most dangerous: teacher saying “sit down, don’t worry about this question this is not coming in the exam.”
    • In some good schools till class 2, it’s more about exploration and socialization with the group. start teaching content only from class 3
  • CCE was good step but was implemented so so badly
  • NEP2019 wants to bring in critical thinking more into the syllabus
    • teachers-parents-student
    • The structure only won’t change the system, this relationship will help
    • Teachers job is to make education so engaging that students want more of it
  • Engine of growth vs Engine of progress
    • Transformative for a better society can fall into the engine of progress.
    • Engine of growth has smaller goals, eg. we want our students to go into this, this students should be doing science, these should be doing xyz, this is a functional approach
    • NEP2019 says we need this growth plus we need to have the higher order mindset aswell.

Tiago Forte - Future of education

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  • The great intellectual challenge of building an online school is changing identify at scale. Changing identify is changing how students view themselves.
  • In traditional education system students are not accountable for what they write but when they write online they are accountable for what they write.
  • A lot of people learn a lot of things and they never apply it. For example, if you plumb an entire house and you never use it you will never know if the water is flowing or not. We need people to create things and they should apply their knowledge to create things.
  • Digital note-taking for personal knowledge management is a skill that should be taught. We’re dealing with different kind of information at a different scale. Forte, suggests note-taking is not going anywhere because of the Lindy effect.
  • Compares unbundling and bundling to specialists and generalists.
  • Everyone has a gift, or at least have the potential of having a gift. We need to provide a way for them to cultivate it.
  • You prove to yourself through your actions that you’re not whom you thought you were.

Will Houghteling and Paul Freedman - Bridging school and Work

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  • Higher education is a bundle, with MOOCs we’ve unbundled a lot of the coursework and material. Education has become somewhat a commodity. There are more things to unbundle, eg. credentials, network etc.
  • Consumers of higher education:
    • People going to get education first , hoping to find a job(this job can be in academia) later. (They want the education, doing college is their priority)
    • People going to college just to get jobs because they believe going to college is the best pathway to get there. (doing college is not the priority)
  • It’s very difficult to create a prestigious and elite brand in higher education, it depends on how long you’ve been around what is the alumni network etc. It’s less about innovation, pedagogy, curriculum, delivery etc. So not expecting a lot of things competing with MIT/Stanford etc.
  • More organizations will be focusing on high potential, low credential students.
  • Govt has most of the money when it comesto education but it plays a poor role in quality assurance.
  • Q/A by govt. today is totally input based, eg. How many books in library, how many teachers etc. It should focus more on output based metrics; does it get them a job, are the students performing better etc.

Don’t confuse this Q/A point with Jeff Bezos’s way of measuring on controlled inputs for Goals in which he says that “The score takes care of itself if everyone in the organization does their work precisely and accurately and is done consistently.”

  • AI will be replacing tasks and not jobs, how do you prepare people to work for the new tasks is a challenge.

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