tags : Notetaking

note: I am no longer updating this page, keeping this as part of the migration.


SCNC 2015 | UnpackED | Karthik Dinne

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  • 61% of students in class 5 are in class 1 level. Students are wasting 4 years, similar to the most engineering colleges in India.
  • Take the example, Rote learning is a problem. People recognize the problem but action is not taken on it. One infamous example is CCE for testing, the implemantation of CCE had a lot of problems.
  • He compares todays education system with a dead body, no matter how much ramifications are done to a dead body it’s not going to change, calls for a complete overhaul. Such ramifications assume that we have the capacity, but do we really?

Are we making the most of human potential?

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  • We’re not training people to use their resources in the most effective way
  • We have a history class but not a future class
  • A framework of these: mindset, wisdom, self-understanding, how the wold works, fundamental skills, exponential technologies
  • Because of opportunity cost, we don’t burn a ₹2000 note, why do we burn our children’s potential then.

Simon Wardley OSCON 2014 Keynote: “Introduction to Value Chain Mapping”

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  • Backward Causality - If A does B and is successful, that means if we also do B we will be successful.
  • In military they have a lot of situational awareness, in business we dont have situational awareness ad we tend to copy others
  • Value chain: it describes “organization”
  • Evolution of companies over time: it describes “change”

  • As things evolve through competition they become efficient and allow higher order system to appear. eg. Electricity enabled TV

The Future of P2P Applications by Rich Burdon (Devcon5)

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  • Gmail was able to give free storage because of the breakthrough in BigTable.
  • Free business model: We’ll figure out the monetization later.
  • For independent SWE your biz model becomes getting acquired by Google.
  • For P2P to work seamlessly in the browser we need additional components like a STUN server, signaling etc, and do this in a way that doesn’t introduce new centralized dependencies.
  • Operational Transformations still need a centralized server.
  • General principle of decentralization, we should move as much compute possible to the edges.