tags : Linux, Security


  • %coolgroup HOST=(user1:group1) commands_allowed_set1, (user2:group4) commands_allowed_set2
    • = : RHS(user/group+hostnames), LHS(target user/group+command list)
      • RHS
        • %coolgroup : The user/group. % prefix for groups.
        • HOST : List of hostnames on which this sudo entry will be effective. Usually, (localhost) so this field is usually left as ALL.
      • LHS
        • This can be comma separated list, usually it’s just one set. Explanation for the first pair in the list.
        • (user1:group1): Specifies which users (and groups) coolgroup will be able to run the commands as.
        • commands_allowed_set1 : List of commands(comma separated) coolgroup will be able to run with elevated privileges.
    • Examples
      • %coolgroup ALL=(ALL) ALL
        • LHS
          • (ALL) : %coolgroup will only be able to run as all users. Not groups. sudo cannot be used with -g by that user for the commands.
          • ALL : All commands are allowed.
      • %coolgroup ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
        • LHS
          • (ALL:ALL) : %coolgroup will only be able to run as all users and all groups.
          • ALL : All commands are allowed.
