tags : API Design, Custom Protocols


Swagger vs OpenAPI

New name of Swagger is OpenAPI

Do you need open API?

  • It’s a documentation thing, you can roll without it, but if the API is getting too big, something like open API can help. It’ll help you generate automated docs, mocks etc etc.
  • You can just document it with things like org-mode verb, just using postman collections etc.
  • “OpenAPI tries too hard to cover every base and has become the SOAP of this generation.” - some internet person

Relation of spec and programming languages

The spec(openapi.yaml) file is standalone, it’s independent of programming language. This is true if using spec for only spec and documentation. But for codegen, there are too many tools in different languages w different levels of support and implementation.

API Design first or code first?

This is not OpenAPI specific, it can be about any specification in general.

Why API Design first?

  • Sometimes its costly for code first APIs, we need people to be on the same page about it.
  • In that case, we can do a API design first approach and we can use it as ref when writing code.

Why Code first?

  • Historically it’s code first and then we document our API with something like OpenAPISpec.
  • Issue w writing specs before code is that u are not aware of what the api looks like finally (incremental)


Data part

  • This is where you define the schema of the things that can be accessible via the API
  • This uses JSONSchema, Protocol Buffers can be an alternative for this data part.

Network part

  • server and paths of the API

Structure part

Open API is about describing the API, if you want to structure the API responses, you can use JSON API.

Writing the spec

  • You can handwrite it, but it tedious
  • Postman and Insomnia has some support also
  • Stoplight Studio is good if you buy it
  • Use codegen



  • You need to find a generator that works for you, here are some options
  • Client = SDK, Sever = Server stub

Spec to Code (Boilerplate generation)

Code to Spec (Spec generation, more realistic for small use-cases)

Mock server






Protocol Buffers