tags : Web Development, Javascript, Javascript Runtime and Browser


DOM is combination of multiple APIs?

The DOM is built using multiple APIs that work together

  • Core DOM API
    • Eg. Document, Element
    • All of the properties, methods, and events available for manipulating and creating web pages are organized into objects
    • Eg. HTMLElement adds stuff like hidden, innerText
    • Eg. HTMLCanvasElement augments HTMLElement by adding things like height, getContext()
    • Extends DOM to support SVG


  • Nodes can be of various kind, element node, text node, attribute node etc.
  • Eg. HTMLTableElement > HTMLElement > Element > Node
  • These have their so called “interface” (basically set of methods). Eg. HTMLTableElement will have its own interface but also have access to interface of Node

document vs window

  • window object represents something like the browser
  • document object is the root of the document itself
    • document object implements the Document interface.
    • Things like HTMLDocument, XMLDocument inherit from Document

preventdefault & bubbling


  • Call this can prevent the default behavior of the event on trigger.
  • Useful in cases such as form submit etc.

Event bubbling?

  • When triggering an “event”(eg. “click”) on a child element also triggers the “click” event in parent elements.
    • Outside box: click : Hide box
    • Inside video: click : Play video
    • Clicking video will play the video and hide the box. Which we do not want.
  • Event Capture is same as bubbling, the parent child thing still happens but in reverse order.
    • Order: Child > Parent > Grandparent
    • Reversed order: Grandparent > Parent > Child
  • We can use e.stopPropogation() to prevent this

live and static objects

  • There are some elements which are live, like HTMLCollection
  • Better to make a copy of this using something like Array.form to iterate on it


  • There are different event models, the one that we interact w when working w a webpage is the web event model.
    • Web: uses things like addEventListener(), onevent
    • NodeJS: uses things like on and once
    • WebExtensions: uses things like onMessage etc.

Useful Web Event stuff

  • Components
    • EventTarget : An Interface. Any object that allows addEventListener, removeEventListener, onevent etc, has the EventTarget interface.
  • Extras
    • MutationObserver : cool stuff
  • Properties
    • event.target : Where the event got triggered. (innermost)
    • event.currentTarget : Where the event got handled. (outermost)