tags : Programming Languages


  • Mutability breaks “referential transparency”: ability to replace expression with ts value without affecting result of computation
  • Variables never change value
  • Functions never have side effects


  • Mutation is more than just a way to of getting a computation done, it becomes shared state/communication channel and we want to avoid doing that whenever possible.
  • Side-effects is another term for mutations and similar things


Two things to make composition easier

  • Abstractions
  • Immutability


Abstraction Principle

The Abstraction Principle says to avoid requiring something to be stated more than once; instead, factor out the recurring pattern. Higher-order functions enable such refactoring, because they allow us to factor out functions and parameterize functions on other functions.

Internet comments

  • Unlike imperative programming, functional programming is not a series of “steps” where you just exit when you are done, returning some value. It is instead a mathematical expression.