tags : Parsers

Thus a language definition implies a model of the machine on which programs in the language will run. If a real machine conforms well to the model, then an implementation on that machine is likely to be efficient and easily written; if not, the implementation will be painful to provide and costly to use.

Via “Portability of C Programs and the Unix System”, S.C. Johnson and D.M. Ritchie

How they are made?

  • C, FORTRAN, Java, Pascal, Lisp, Forth, Ada, Python, Ruby, Go, etc.: none of these languages are context-sensitive. None are context-free either. Programming languages are complicated
  • Modern languages typically are defined in multiple levels
  • This has proven to be a robust way to design languages which both humans and compilers understand.

Lex/Flex vs Yacc/Bison

  • These are old tools, but basically Lex and Yacc “were” not free. While their alternatives Flex and Bison are.


  • Flex is a lexer generator
  • Lexing : Turning a stream of characters into a stream of abstract tokens
  • It lets you provide a Regex for each type of token in your language, and it will write a lexer for you


  • Bison is a parser generator. It takes a list of productions and writes a parser for you.
  • Parsing: Collecting tokens into their productions
  • Lets you specify a grammar that groups tokens together into various logical pieces. Eg. Order of operations, groups statements properly as intended by the programmer.
  • Usually that grammar is given in something like BNF




  • See Chomsky Hierarchy
  • For reading in the user input we need to write a grammar which describes the language.
    • Use the grammar to validate user input.
    • Use the grammar to build a structured internal representation(understand, evaluate, compute etc)


Difference between function and a procedure

Both functions and procedures are subroutines used to re-executing a predefined block of code.

  • Functions
    • Functions return a value
    • Designed to have minimal side effects
    • Usually concerned with higher level ideas and concepts.’
  • Procedure
    • Do not return a value
    • Primary purpose is to accomplish a given task and cause a desired side effect.


  • A Function
  • Expressions. Usually no statements or commands.
  • “what to do, not how to do it.”
  • Functional Programming is a subset of declarative programming
  • Declarative programming is to program on a higher level of abstraction than imperative programming. Neither is better or worse, but both have their places.


  • Statements and Commands
  • A procedure. Causes side effects, mutates state.
  • How to do it, not what to do
  • Procedural programming is a subset of imperative programming.


  • Statically Typed: Detects type errors at compile time; if a type error is detected, the language won’t allow execution of the program.
  • Type Safety: A type-safe language limits which kinds of operations can be performed on which kinds of data.
    • Some languages, like Python and Racket, are type-safe but dynamically typed. That is, type errors are caught only at run time. Other languages, like C and C++, are statically typed but not type safe: they check for some type errors, but don’t guarantee the absence of all type errors. That is, there’s no guarantee that a type error won’t occur at run time. And still other languages, like Java, use a combination of static and dynamic typing to achieve type safety.