tags : Concurrency, Programming Languages, General Programming


  • Implies supporting of explicit means for transferring control to another coroutine.
  • Coroutine is a chunk of code than can voluntarily suspend itself. i.e yield
  • Coroutines are functions whose execution you can pause

Transfer of control

Here, Coroutines have more control compared to exceptions.

Exceptions < Coroutines < Continuations
  • Exceptions: A subclass of coroutines. You can implement an exception mechanism with coroutines.
  • Coroutines: Can tell the code to jump back and start running exactly where it left off.
  • Continuations: More details

What happens when we yield?

When we yield, from the coroutine’s point of view

  • Things that happens while it is suspended is happening inside its call to yield.
  • When we resume the coroutine, this call to yield finally returns and the coroutine continues its execution until the next yield or until its end.



See Programming in Lua : 9.1 (2003)

Note: Avoid using the word “semi-coroutine”

Based on control flow

Symmetric coroutines

  • Only one function to transfer control

Asymmetric coroutines

  • A function to suspend the execution of a coroutine
  • A different function to resume a suspended coroutine.

Based on when the coroutine can suspend itself

Can suspend itself anywhere

  • Eg. Lua coroutines

Can only suspend itself in the main body

  • If there’s no pending calls in its control stack
  • Basically each transfer is yield followed by a resume (in lua terms)
  • Eg. Python generators. Python generators must be written as generators, and cannot easily be factored into smaller functions. In other words, yield is syntactic, and can only be in the lexical body of the generator function.
  • How the heck does async/await work in Python 3.5?

Blocking and Non-blocking


  • Blocking is about blocking the main thread

How to convert from blocking to non-blocking?

  • Non-blocking IO depend on “readability/writability”
  • For different IO there are different things that determine it.
  • In case of files, reading files will always block the main thread. Only solution I know of is to use thread pools, there should be other better options tho ig.


Implementing non-blocking I/O

  • polling (poll/select etc.)
  • event loop/event handling framework of some sort


  • Async/Await is slightly different than coroutines. async/await is a syntax, whereas coroutine itself is a broader idea. Eg. Many languages use async/await to implement coroutines but not exactly.
  • Allows asynchronous, non-blocking code can be written, with minimal overhead, and looking almost like traditional synchronous, blocking code.
  • async/await only will switch context at a yield point

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