tags : Automata Theory, Regular Expressions, Chomsky Hierarchy


  • A formal system
  • Remembers only a finite amount of information. Intuitively, they cannot count beyond a fixed number.
  • aka
    • finite-state machine (FSM)
    • finite-state automaton (FSA)
    • finite automaton (FA)
    • state machine
  • Characteristics
    • state: Information representation
    • inputs: states respond to inputs
    • transition: Rules that tell how to change in response.

Regular Languages

  • All finite languages are regular
  • Some infinite languages are regular

Non-regular languages example

  • FA system cannot handle non-regular languages.
  • To handle these, we need more powerful systems like Push down Automata or CFG.
  • There are ways to prove a non-regular language, eg. Pumping Lemma

Regular language example

  • Eg. the strings that represent floating point numbers in your favorite language is a regular language.



  • Every DFA is an NFA, but opp. not true
  • Exactly one sequence of steps for each string


  • May have many sequences of steps for each string


  • Each has its own final state.
  • NFA that allows null/empty moves