tags : Computation and Computer Theory, The Analytical Engine, Regular Expressions


What is Automata Theory

Logic of computation with respect to simple machines(automata)


  • plural: automata
  • Abstract models of machines that perform computations on an input by moving through a series of states
  • At each state, transition function determines next state based on present state
  • Once entire input have been read and is in an acceptable state, machine accepts input

Incomplete list of types of Automatons

See Chomsky Hierarchy

The most general and powerful automata is the Turing machine

  • Finite state machine(FSM)
  • Pushdown automata(PDA)
  • Linear bounded automata(LBA)
  • Turing machine

More on Automatons Types

Finite state machine(FSM/FSA/FA/SM)

Pushdown automata(PDA)

Linear bounded automata(LBA)

Turing machine

  • Purpose: Prove that certain specific languages have no algorithm.
    • Compared to regular programming languages like C++, it’s easier to prove it with a TM because it’s so simple
    • TM are as powerful as any computer and have infinite memory
    • So if there’s something a TM cannot solve, it probably cannot be solved.
  • A Turing machine is a FSM but the inverse is not true.

Type of Problems

See Complexity Theory