tags : Regular Expressions, Automata Theory

The Chomsky hierarchy is descriptive. It simply allows us to broadly categorize grammars based on their capabilities.

The Hierarchy of Grammars (Generative Grammars)

  • The hierarchy allows us to broadly classify grammars based on their productive power.
  • They have increasingly strict production rules and can therefore express fewer formal languages.
  • Type 2 and Type 3 are popular

Type 0 (Recursively Enumerable)

  • AKA Unrestricted grammar

Type 1 (Context Sensitive)

  • all context-free languages are also context-sensitive languages, but some languages are neither context-sensitive nor context-free.
  • context-sensitivity is often not resolved in the parsing phase but in later phases
  • Writing context-sensitive grammars is very difficult for people to do without spending a lot of time and effort on it. The CFGs, though technically inaccurate, often give us enough to work with that they can be useful.
  • Most languages are actually context sensitive

Type 2 (Context Free)

  • Used to parse programming languages
  • The classic example people is x * y; in C, which is either multiplication or a variable declaration, depending on whether x is a type or a value. This proves that C cannot be a context-free language. i.e there exists context thatโ€™s not encoded in the text already.
    • Solution to this is Lexer hack , giving access to some kind of symbol table to the lexer
  • CFGs are not nearly powerful enough to describe natural language because natural languages are ungainly and complex.
  • X-bar theory is essentially the application of CFGs to language modeling

Type 3 (Regular Languages)

  • Itโ€™s not ideal to parse programming languages(Type 2) with regular expression hence.
  • Things that Regular Expressions can parse (?)

Languages classes

  • Set of languages. Eg. The regular languages


Decision Properties

  • Eg. Empty, Finite, Infinite?, Does the protocol terminate, Does the protocol fail?
  • Harder to answer for larger classes of languages

Closure Properties

  • Given languages in the class, an operation (e.g., union) produces another language in the same class.

Regular Languages

  • A language that is accepted by a Finite Automata
  • Proofs for decision properties for regular languages require RE or DFA.


Context Free Languages

  • Let us do things that regular languages canโ€™t do. Eg. Lets us process natural and programming languages, Match parenthesis or XML tags etc.
  • Powerful than Regular Expressions and Finite Automata but still cannot define all possible languages.


Recursively Enumerable Languages

  • Turning machines : It can tell us what can be computed by computation and what cannot be.

Grammars to Alphabet

Although there are an infinite number of different things that can be said, or written down in a particular language, it is still possible to process and understand all of them with a finite number of re-write rules. The name given to a set of re-write rules is a grammar

  • Grammars are defined by Languages
  • Languages are defined by set of Strings
  • Strings are defined by sequence of Symbols
  • Set of Symbols is defined by the Alphabet


  • Whenever we put restriction on a language, we create a grammar


  • A set of strings accepted by an automaton A is the language for A
  • Eg. If A accepts s-o and s-o-o, then set of these 2 strings represent the language for A
  • Denoted by L(A)
  • Different types of Automatons accept different languages
  • They can be finite or infinite sets
  • Personal Note: L(Alphabet) , L(Automaton) seem like the same thing.


  • Eg. In C, "O" is string, while '0' is a character/symbol.


  • Finite set of symbols
  • Eg. ASCII, Unicode, {0,1}, {a,b,c}, set of signals used by some communication protocol
