tags : Design Patterns



An invariant is any logical rule that must be obeyed throughout the execution of your program that can be communicated to a human, but not to your compiler.

  • Invariants are bad. Every invariant of this kind that you remove from your code is an improvement, because it lowers the cognitive load of working with it.
  • See What are invariants
  • What is an Invariant?


What a well rounded engineer should know

Source: The Well Rounded Engineer - Speaker Deck

  • Get rid of the trial and error method, instead take the analytical approach
  • Learn to read research papers
  • In general, proficiency is about understanding trade-offs
  • Language
    • Be proficient in two paradigms. (Eg. FP and OOP)
  • DB
    • Basic skills: Model your data, Be performance aware, Write raw SQL
    • Advanced skills: Idiomatic design, Be operations aware, Grok SQL
  • Protocol
    • Be proficient in using two protocols (Eg. TCP/IP, HTTP, TLS)
    • Understand: How it works, How to debug it, Design considerations
  • SW Arch
    • Understand how to design commonly used systems (Eg. Workers, Queues, Async Systems, Data pipeline, Load balancers)
  • Compilers
    • Ability to write toy compilers, interpreters, parsers is helpful
    • Start with parsers, then interpreters and then compilers
    • Recursive Descent parsers open you up to a whole new coding style
  • Write simple games
    • Changing requirements and specific set of rules
    • Make small games
    • Try from first principles, Avoid frameworks
    • Once you write the game, write a bot that plays the game
  • Algo&DS
    • Understand fundamental approach of solving problems recursively
    • Understand master method to analyse recursive solutions

Systems Engineering

  • Be explicit about what you are building
  • Be explicit about how you are building it