tags : Programming Languages, Ocaml

One of / Each of/ Maybe (Ocaml)

  • One-of types are more commonly known as sum types
  • each-of types as more commonly known as product types.

One of

  • Ocaml Variants are like disjoint union
  • Aka tagged union
  • Variants are also known as Algebraic Data types
  • Each value of a variant comes from one of many underlying sets
  • Thus far each of those sets is just a single constructor hence has cardinality one
  • Disjoint union is indeed sometimes written with a Σ operator.
  • OCaml variants actually combine several theoretically independent language features into one: sum types, product types, recursive types, and parameterized (polymorphic) types.
  • Resources

Each of

  • Ocaml Tuples/records are like Cartesian product
  • Each value of a tuple or record contains a value from each of many underlying sets.
  • Cartesian product is usually written with a product operator Π or x


  • Ocaml option are maybe types
