tags : VPN, Networking, Security

Random Internet comments(unverified)

  • WireGuard is a free and open-source software application and communication protocol
  • It’s stealth and has mitigation for DOS attacks.
  • Wireguard doesn’t answer to scans and offers better latency.
  • It implements virtual private network (VPN) techniques to create secure point-to-point connections in routed or bridged configurations.
    • If you have a router that allows it, put wireguard on port 53. That’s one of the most common “Always Open”-ports in any network.
    • Allowing any :53 is a common error in a captive portal/hotspot setup and is usually exploited to have free internet. People can exploit public Wifi and pass gigs over UDP:53
    • lots of places actually block random UDP ports and you can’t establish a connection.
    • OpenVPN can have that same problem, and the solution in Wireguard is the same as OpenVPN; run it on a well-known service port, such as 443 or 53.
  • It’s peer to peer, so you don’t have to give any particular node power over the whole network.


  • Wireguard userspace? kernel?
  • Wireguard over TCP: not obfuscated, hence it can be easily censored
  • Wireguard over TLS
  • Only UDP. Does not do TCP by default but there are implementations
  • WireGuard benefits greatly from DNS-over-QUIC on hardware accelerated devices, even without hardware acceleration, DNS-over-QUIC further improve its base security/privacy/efficiency/performance, using WireGuard with DNS-over-HTTPS or DNS-over-TLS will slightly reduce its effectiveness in the privacy area to OpenVPN TCP/UDP


  • Encryption: ChaCha20
  • Authentication: Poly1305
  • Key exchange algorithm: Curve25519


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