tags : Data Visualization, OpenStreetMap Stuff, Mapping Ecosystem


Tools / GeoSpatial libs




See Display an interactive map — Maps for HTML reference examples

  • Iframe embeds
    • Google Maps embed
    • OpenStreetMap embed
    • Bing Maps embed
    • Mapbox Studio embed
  • Client-side frameworks
    • Leaflet
    • OpenLayers API
    • Google Maps Platform API
    • Bing Maps Control API
    • MapKit JS (Apple Maps) API
    • Mapbox GL JS API
    • TomTom Maps SDK for Web with vector maps
    • D3 Geographies APIs
    • MapLibre - Home (Forked from Mapbox GL before license change)
    • protomaps.js

Tiles Backend

  • It’s mostly about vector tiles
  • There are hosted services and you can host these yourself too.



Other component backend


  • felt/tippecanoe: Builds vector tilesets from large (or small) collections of GeoJSON, FlatGeobuf, or CSV features.
  • planetiler: A tool that generates Vector Tiles from geographic data sources like OpenStreetMap.
  • tilemaker : creates vector tiles (in Mapbox Vector Tile format) from an .osm.pbf planet extract


Real world application

  • a-b-street/abstreet: Transportation planning and traffic simulation software for creating cities friendlier to walking, biking, and public transit.

Terms I keep hearing

  • frontend, basemap, geocoder and routing engine


Fun projects/generators

These are more like Creative Programming stuff rather than plain map-making.

Things that ppl do