tags : Data Engineering, Creative Programming, Database, Web Animation, Geography


  • Data visualization = Visual communication = story telling

Statistics info


  • Histogram is for quantitative data (no space between the bars)
  • Can be used to describe a single variable
  • It shows the shape of distribution of values
  • Axis
    • X: variable of interest
    • Y: Frequency/Relative Frequency/Percent Frequency
  • How
    • Put the quantitative data into bins that don’t overlap
    • Put the number of observations in that bin to see the resolution which tells us about the distribution
  • Need to find a balance for “how many bins”

Bar chart vs Histogram

  • Bar chart is for categorical data (space between the bars)

Pie charts

Pie charts are very hard to use, maybe just use them when you have fewer categories

Crosstabs (Cross tabulation)

  • Often used to show the relationship between two variables
  • very flexible and can show different types of information
  • The variables can be categorical or quantitative.
    • Quantitative variables are often placed into bins or classes like in a histogram
  • Size = no. of categories of A x no. of categories of B (where A and B are variables)
  • In most software, cross-tabulation is done using Pivot Tables

Box Plots

Dot plots


  • Box plots, Normal prob. plots, Cum Dist plot show percentiles








  • Process

    • An example

      • Sprite container
        • Sprite Map : Contain different sprites
      • Renderer : Paints the sprite container into our canvas
      • Game Loop / Request-Animation-Frame(RAF) loop
        • Specify duration for tween and call RAF



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