tags : Custom Protocols, Systems, System Design


  • Codec stands for code/decode
  • It’s a reversible method for converting interesting things into completely uninteresting and useless numbers … and then converting those uninteresting and useless numbers back into interesting things again.

A streaming codec loop

  • Protocols wrap protocols. Binary protocols boils down to:
    • Getting how many bytes are coming next
    • Writing the buffer with the meaning of the data(meaningless to the protocol itself).
  • Start by writing two threads, TcpListener and the other has a TcpStream that connects to the listener
  • Have them send messages back and forth that begin with 8 byte fixed-size frame delimiters.
    • The frame delimiter says how many bytes are coming.
  • The codec loop is trivial
    • Read 8 bytes, turn it into a u64
    • Read that many bytes into a new buffer that will be interpreted as the actual message.
    • Eg. 2 a b 3 a b c 1 a will turn into 3 messages: ab, abc, a.
  • A Frame is essentially (size, message), these can be refereed to as “framed protocols”.