tags : Security, Linux

There are two parts to this:

  • Directory servers for application
  • System authentication/authorization


  • Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris uses PAM


The Protocol

  • LDAP is an Internet alternative to the X.500 Directory Access Protocol (X.511 DAP).
  • Workloads LDAP is used for most often are things RDBMSs suck at.
  • Built on X.500 directory specification
  • LDAP is a directory service.
  • LDAP is just a protocol to access a directory; there can be different data storage backends.
  • Authentication by default uses plaintext
    • can use TLS or instead use Kerberos for auth
  • LDAP can be used for authentication and authorization.
  • Can be used with Kerberos, there are pros and cons
  • You should be able to put any modern Authenticator on top of your existing LDAP forest.

LDAP Servers


  • Red Hat’s LDAP
  • 389 is afaik full-featured enterprise LDAP server


  • Pain to setup


  • LLDAP instead provides a minimalistic LDAP server that supports the subset of LDAP needed for user management and authentication, with almost no configuration required, and a nice UI/API in front of it.
  • you just want some simple to set up user management (just users and groups) for common services like Nextcloud or Authelia, LLDAP is for you
  • https://github.com/nitnelave/lldap


LDAP Servers + Framework

DNS SRV records

Entries in your DNS server so systems to can perform service lookups, which server should I look for when doing and LDAP query, stuff like that.


  • Much more featurefull than plain LDAP
  • Manages Linux hosts, allows users to log in/SSH into the hosts, Kerberos security policies, Apache frontend, a DNS server, DogTag CA, 389 LDAP server, SSSD, and so on.
  • Depends on DNS SRV records to work correctly
  • It can also setup a trust to AD, but AD and FreeIPA should never share the same IP space.

Active Directory(AD)

  • AD is LDAP+krb5, and as part of making krb5 work easily, it also handled DNS+ddns+NTP
  • The pain of running Windows Server is outweighed by the excellence, stability, effortless scalability, and programmability of AD.
  • Connecting FreeIPA (IPA) to Active Directory allows people to authenticate to Linux servers using their Windows Active Directory accounts.

LDAP alternatives

  • There is no proper alternative to LDAP. You could go crazy with creating a database schema with user information specific to your needs.
  • Azure Active Directory and “Directory-as-a-Service” options like JumpCloud, Okta LDAP etc.

Auth backends

  • OpenID Connect
  • SAML
  • Kerberos
    • Released in 1988
    • Kerberos is an authentication protocol which is used to establish identity of users, hosts or service.
    • Keycloak has User Federation feature, where you can use Kerberos for getting LDAP users.
  • See Authentication

Actually setting it up

This is just one scenario

  • Configure nsswitch to use the OpenLDAP server as a source for the passwd, shadow and other configuration databases
  • Configure PAM to use these sources to authenticate its users.
