tags : Web Development, Network Programming, Web Security, NAT
Web socket, Web RTC, SSE, what?
- Videoconferencing or real-time messaging that doesn’t need a central source of truth: WebRTC
- Real-time collaboration with the need of a central source of truth and a small number of clients: Websockets
- Notification system that can stay quiet for a long time: Server-Sent Events, but beware of scaling the number of clients
- Anything else, like refreshing some components data, or a notification system with a big number of clients: polling
WebRTC & WebTorrent (See Bittorrent)
Use a free signalling server from the webtorrent community. You can skip the torrent part of the implementation and just use the signalling, it’s awesome. You can use a libraries like:
to get started. For me, I found the protocol is simple enough where I just use small vanilla javascipt implementation to talk to the websocket servers to generate the signalling messages. I wish more people knew about this and realize how easy it can be to bring WebRTC to their applications.
List of some free webtorrent trackers:
wss://tracker.openwebtorrent.com wss://tracker.files.fm:7073 wss://tracker.webtorrent.dev
---> Usage stats for the last one: https://tracker.webtorrent.dev
Some free stun servers for NAT traversal:
stun:stun.cloudflare.com stun:stun.l.google.com:19302
Basic stuff
- previously browser based now has external prjects
- WebRTC API - Web APIs | MDN
- WebRTC is now a W3C and IETF standard
- WebRTC in the real world: STUN, TURN and signaling
- See NAT
- https://github.com/pion/awesome-pion
- ppl have built ssh over webrtc
- https://github.com/pion
- https://github.com/pion/turn
- https://github.com/pion/offline-browser-communication
Bigger projects built on WebRTC
[[https://mediasoup.org/documentation/overview/][mediasoup : Overview]] : Cutting Edge WebRTC Video Conferencing