tags : peer-to-peer,Alternative Internet, Local First Software, Distributed Systems

CRDT Alternatives for text-editing and list manipulation

  • you can “get away with” not using CRDTs in collaborative apps, especially with a server.
    • For collaborative text editing and list manipulation, though
      • I think list CRDTs are still the best option.
  • Traditional CRDT libraries (Yjs, Automerge, Collabs)
    • You’re given a data structure that does the CRDT magic but also controls the state of the whole list/text (or possibly your whole app).
  • position-strings - npm

Things I keep hearing

Differential Data flow


  • Marc Shapiro - co-inventor of CRDTs (and proxy principle, too) is actually working on a highly available geo-replicated db. The project is called Antidote (white paper) and it’s a part of a bigger european project called SyncFree.
  • crdt give strong Eventual Consistency
  • My takeaways from experimenting with CRDTs were: (HN comment)
    • In many cases, CRDTs didn’t improve upon last-write-wins, i.e. a CRDT update followed by another user’s CRDT update 10 seconds later is the same as last-write-wins
    • Often the challenge was less technical, and centered around what a conflicted state means in the absence of a human discussion, i.e. how would you resolve a git merge conflict without human intervention, or if two people reschedule the meeting simultaneously one of them is likely to miss it unless they talk it out




Notes from Internet

  • You don’t really need webrtc to collaborative tech as you’ll anyway need a signalling server. You might aswell use a centralized sync server with something like WebSockets.
  • If you need a decentralized user auth system, try @localfirst/auth.

CRDT and Text editing