tags : Web Development, Multipart Upload


Connection vs Request


  • client and server introduce themselves
  • HTTP1.1 and HTTP/2 uses TCP while HTTP/3 uses QUIC which is based on UDP.


  • client ask something from server
  • To make a HTTP1.1 or HTTP2 request you need to have an active connection w the server.
  • Eg. An endpoint accepts 5 connections and 10 requests from given IP address.


  • Browsers usually limit 6 connections per origin(scheme, host, and port). Be it HTTP1.1 or HTTP2.

1.1,2,3 What?

HTTP’s “core” semantics don’t change between protocol versions. i.e most of the time methods and status codes, header fields mean the same thing no matter what version of the protocol you use(HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, HTTP/3)


  • Written in 1997
  • RFC revised in 2013
  • RFC again revised in 2022
  • HTTP/1.1 suffers from Head of line(HOL) blocking. Each browser/client has a limited number of connections to a server and doing a new request over one of those connections has to wait for the ones to complete before it can fire it off.
  • w HTTP1.1, browser can make 1 request/connection but in-reality, they make multiple connections in parallel to the server. i.e (new(r)/new(c)) x N
  • Because of limited requests servers used to concat assets and do things like css sprites to reduce number of requests. But we don’t have this issue w HTTP2 because no. of request is not a problem for HTTP2.
  • HTTP1.1 can still send multiple request in a connection using pipelining but that’s not widely supported and has other problems.
    • Pipelining means sending further requests without waiting for responses.


  • Prior to HTTP/2, WG attempted HTTP_NG
  • Introduced in 2015 and then RFC revised in 2022.
  • HTTP2 does the same thing as HTTP3/QUIC but on top of TCP
  • It introduced primarily 2 things, multplexing and server push thing. server push thing made john wick his enemy.


  • HTTP2 adds multiplexing where we can make multiple request per connection. So no need to make multiple connections.
  • With this we do not delay sending of requests, no waiting for a free connection. All these requests make their way through the Internet to the server in (almost) parallel. The server responds to each one, and then they start to make their way back.
  • Dealing w HOL

    • Web server can respond to them in any order it feels like and send back files in different order, or even break each file requested into pieces and intermingle the files together.
    • This has the secondary benefit of one heavy request not blocking all the other subsequent requests i.e HOL.
    • It addresses HOL by TCP multiplexing, but still have an underlying issue at TCP level. Because TCP is reliable delivery protocol, Loss of a single packet in a flow can block access to those after it. This happens often and seamlessly but HTTP3 makes this better w QUIC.
    • Because of this, HTTP2’s stream multiplexing works really well on good connections but terribly on bad.
    • 2021: QUICv1 was released to replace TCP . (QUIC uses UDP)

Ordering and Prioritization

  • HTTP2 allows request prioritization for the client (browser)
  • But it is up to the server to decide what to do based on the request.
  • The server is free to not respect the prioritization request and process data at its own will.

Server Push GW

  • Added Server Push: Servers can send req/res pair to clients in advance to make things faster
  • Issue: Server predicting what the client needs is hard. Network conditions, client can have cache, over-pushing, conflict with real request for the same degrading performance
  • Chrome ended up removing server push in 2022. Community says it’s only suitable for certain usecases. Has Early Hints as an alternative.
  • HTTP/2 Push is dead | HTTP/2 upload speed | Why HTTP/2 is slower than HTTPS?


  • HTTP/3 is HTTP/2-Over-QUIC by design (Analogy)
  • HTTP/3 is the version of HTTP that uses QUIC and does not suffer from HOLB.
  • Advantage of HTTP3 is that you only need to block the affected streams while retransmitting unlike HTTP2 where you need to block all streams.
  • Requires CA based TLS to set up a connection.

More on QUIC for HTTP3

  • Idea of using UDP for QUIC is that, TCP’s handshakes and acknowledges are redundant when you have it all anyway on L7, so they choose a simpler UDP as transport and re-implement handshakes and acknowledges in their applied protocols.
  • QUIC is over UDP for backwards compatibility, it was going to be its own protocol


  • Case does not matter

Structured Header Fields

  • HTTP defines header values as a “sequence of octets” (i.e. bytes) with few constraints.
    • Should be ASCII
    • Should be defined in ABNF (Multiple fields with the same name can be combined on the same line if you separate their values with commas)
  • Structured header fields offer a better way. See Improving HTTP with structured header fields | Fastly

Security Headers

If your webserver does not allow you to set these headers, you can also use intermediaries such as cloudflare to help you add these. Also see Everything you need to know about HTTP security headers

  • Content-Security-Policy
    • See CSP for details
  • Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS, See TLS)
  • Public-Key-Pins (HPKP)
  • X-Frame-Options
  • X-Content-Type-Options
    • This solves MIME sniffing, MIME sniffing is a browser feature!

    • Using nosniff disables browsers from trying to guess the content type of a document if for whatever reason it wasn’t specified.

    • So good practice to explicitly provide Content-Type header

    • Attack example from chatgpt

      Let’s say you have a web page that allows users to upload images. However, an attacker might try to upload an image that is not actually an image file but instead a JavaScript file, pretending to be an image. Without the X-Content-Type-Options nosniff header, some browsers might try to interpret the file as a script and execute it, leading to a potential cross-site scripting (XSS) attack.

  • Referrer-Policy
    • Referrer policy defines the data that can be included in the Referer header. (Yes, Referer is a mis-spelling)
    • Referer is a request specific header and is sent by the browser
    • Referrer-Policy is a response header and is sent by the webserver
    • Browsers will look at the Referrer-Policy and then decide what to send in the Referer header.
    • Instead of specifying Referrer-Policy as part of the HTTP response, it can also be part of HTML
      • no-referrer for meta tags
      • noreferrer for other tags

Other interesting headers

  • Content-Disposition
    • See Content-Disposition - HTTP | MDN
    • This controls whether the file is downloaded or shown inline in the browser
    • This alternately can also be set in the <a> tag in HTML


  • Eg. Someone built a sqlite VFS based on HTTP Range requests
  • Not compatible with HTTP Compression




See Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters


  • Browser/Private: The cache in your browser
  • Proxy: The cache your ISP uses
  • Gateway: CDNs/ Reverse Proxies

State of representations(objects subject to cache)

The idea of freshness and validity are related, both are important for caching, if mechanism for validity is absent, there will be no caching!

  • Fresh

    • can send to client w/o checking w origin
    • exp_time/age within fresh period
    • recently added to cache even if modified time was long ago
    • Good cache systems will re-fetch data from origin when things change from fresh to stale, eg. exp_time passed and no user intervention.
    • Based on certain headers, a cache may always verify with with origin regardless of other indicators of freshness. (Useful to assure that authentication is respected etc.)
  • Stale

    Stale (cache needs to ask origin to validate it)

    • A cache will serve stale data if not able to verify with origin
    • If stale data is validated by origin it’ll be again considered fresh, else new actual fresh data will be put into the cache
  • Un-cachable

    • If no validator exists. (Eg. ETag / Last-Modified)
Cache-ControlMultiple pre-defined valuesXX0 (most)
  • Expires
    • How long the associated representation is fresh for
    • Clocks on the Web server and the cache must be synchronised for expected results
    • We must not forget to update the value of Expires on the origin before it passes, otherwise request will be stale and will keep hitting origin forever.
    • Caching static stuff, automatic periodic update of cache (also applies to max-age in cache-control headers)
    • Can’t be circumvented; unless the cache runs out of room, the cached copy will be used until then! (only way out will be to purge cache somehow or change url)
  • Cache-Control
    • Improves on Expires to give more control (Esp. max-age)
    • Has multiple options that affect both freshness and when validity checks with origin are done. (Eg. no-cache + public is good for authenticated requests)
    • no-cache means it’ll verify on every req. i.e we still get cached data but it’s ensured that it’s fresh. no-store is absolutely skip the cache for everything.
    • must-revalidate is like a flag for maintain strict freshness!
    • Options
  • Last-Modified
    • Eg. curl -I --header 'If-Modified-Since: Tue, 11 Dec 2023 10:10:24 GMT' http://poop.com/faq/
    • Cache system can use a If-Modified-Since to query for validation. 200 if new data, 304 if no change in data, i.e data in cache is still fresh.
    • If-Unmodified-Since also works but its semantics and usage is somewhat different and works with POST
      • Helps solve the “Lost Update Problem” where the last write may overwrite a previous write to a resource. (This is like poor man’s crdt ?)
      • Useful with Range requests, i.e to ensure we’re fetching chunks from the same document.
  • E-tag
    • Generated by the server and changed every time the representation does.
    • Cache system can use a If-None-Match to query for validation. 200 if new data, 304 if no change in data, i.e data in cache is still fresh.
    • E-tag is weak comparison, i.e the actual content may have changed but if we don’t update the etag properly, it’ll still seem fresh from cache’s side.
    • Can be e-tag or etag in the header

Content negotiation


Idle Timeout

  • This comes into play when you have a network appliance such as a Load Balancer in between your client and server Eg. client <> LB <> Backend/server
  • Example scenario
    • Client sent a request to server and is waiting for a server response.
    • But this request goes though the LB first
    • LB has set a idle timeout of 300s
    • 300s passes by, LB times out the connection. Closes the connection.
      • At this point, neither client nor server is aware that this happened
      • At this point the server is still processing the request, client is still waiting
    • Server finishes processing data after 300s
      • Now server tries to transmit the response back to the client
      • Server receives an RST packet(unexpected TCP packet arrives at a host) from the LB, notifying that the connection is closed.
      • The server just wasted resources
    • Client is still waiting
      • It’ll keep on waiting until some client side code timesout

Relationship of Idle timeout and TCP Keepalive

  • Idle timeout is important to make sure that stale connections are destroyed in a timely manner.
  • But sometimes we want to wait for certain server responses longer than the idle timeout in the LB
    • Eg. If a request actually takes >300s.
    • In those cases we can use keep-alive and keep-alive-timeouts
  • HTTP Keep-Alive

    How it works

    • Keepalive probe is sent with no payload Length 0 (Len=0) and a Sequence number (Seq No)
    • The Seq No. is expected Seq.No subtracted by 1 (SEG.SEQ = SND.NXT-1)
    • The remote node simply ACK the packet, since the segment was mimicking a retransmission of another previously acknowledged segment.
    • This ultimately results in the connection not being idle and the idle timeout in the LB does not occur. i.e it triggers a idle conn. timer reset for the LB.
    • TCP Keepalive prevents connection from being closed due to idle timeout.
      • i.e keepalive signal can be used to indicate the infrastructure that the connection should be preserved.
    • This is also sometimes called persistent connection (Connection: keep-alive). This is default in HTTP1.1, so you don’t really need to specify this.
    • HTTP Keep Alive allows pipelining, but keep-alive and pipeline are two different things. Like mentioned before pipelining is not widely supported.
    • HTTP/2 doesn’t need this because it by design uses something that improves on this.
    • It allows us to use the same TCP connection for multiple HTTP requests. i.e (new(r)/same(c)) x N
    • As requests are joined by concat, we need to know where request starts and ends.
      • Header section is always terminated by \r\n\r\n
      • Specify Content-Length header
      • OR Specify Content-Encoding: chunked, when streaming and length is not known.
    • Example from jamesfisher’s blog
      cat <(printf "GET /status/200 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: httpbin.org\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n") \
            <(printf "GET /status/200 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: httpbin.org\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n") \
        | nc httpbin.org 80

LB Idle timeout <> backend idle timeouts and keep alive timeouts

Best practices for Idle Timeout(LB&Application) & Keep Alive

Going Deeper

Making a raw request

# netcat usage to make a HTTP/1.1 req
$ printf 'HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: neverssl.com\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n' | nc neverssl.com 80
# NOTE: \r\n is known as CRLF(Carriage Return + Line Feed)

Host field

TODO: IDK what is the type of Host, what it is actually, i understadn what it does tho.

Host: neverssl.com
  • With this, we can now host different websites at the same IP address
  • But not all servers check it! So you can set Host and whether it gets used or not totally depends on the server.

TODO: How is this different from SNI?






Keep hearing these terms, dn what

  • Header and trailer fields


Future areas of focus

These are areas where the WG is more active of recent


  • MASQUE enabled UDP tunnels. This enhances HTTP.
  • MASQUE along with IP Tunneling can possibly have us MASQUE VPN. Also check OHTTP


Others ideas being explored

  • HTTP over Websockets and Web Transport
  • QUERY (GET w body)
  • Resumable Uploads