tags : Security, Cryptography, Identity Management

What are the broad categories (3)

More on End user/Retail IAM

Random Tokens

  • Store random token against each user & associate those users with allowed actions.
  • DB hits

Platform Tokens

  • Use API tokens just the way as Web Session tokens
  • No DB hit, API token is basically the encrypted version of user data
  • When we get the API token, the backend decrypts it and goes forward etc.
  • Suffers from “how do we revoke now?”, solution is usually to version the user in user table, to revoke we bump the version and the version string becomes part of the token. Will suffer DB hits but cache can help

Authenticated Requests

  • These are different from HTTP Bearer tokens
  • AWS API uses this
  • I am not super sure how this works






  • v1: NIST-compliant AES-CTR, HMAC-SHA2, and RSA
  • v2: XChaPoly and Ed25519
  • v3: replaces RSA with a P-384 ECDSA
  • v4: replaces XChaPoly with XChaCha and a Blake2 KMAC.