tags : SSH, GPG, Security, Networking, Cryptography


  • X.509 ( See X-Standards) PKI enables each certificate to be signed by a single party: a certificate authority (CA).
  • It allows severs to be authenticated without requiring clients to manually install root certificates.
  • Bestows trust throughout the hierarchy of certificates which lead back to them.
  • One alternative to PKI is Web of Trust which GNUPG uses

Key protocols

PKI does not necessarily mean asymmetric key encryption. For example, DH is used for PKI but it aims to create a symmetric key in the end. See this and this answer for more details.

Diffie hellman

  • Relies on the hardness of taking logarithms (discrete logs)
  • DH uses a multiplicative group of integers modulo a prime p


  • Relies on the hardness of factoring.

DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm)

  • It weak, can be broken?

Elliptic curve (ECC)

Key exchange method

  • The key exchange yields the secret key which will be used to encrypt data for that session.
  • SSH uses DH to establish an ephemeral (ie: one time) key to establish forward-security.
  • ECDH

    • Variant of DH that uses a multiplicative group of points on an elliptic curve
    • Uses a curve
      • NIST curve P-256
      • Curve25519/cv25519/X25519

Signature schemes

  • SSH uses RSA/ECC variants to establish an initial secure, authenticated connection
  • The signature is so that the client can make sure that it talks to the right server

    • NIST produced, political concerns
    • Can be susceptible to attacks. Underlying DSA.
  • Ed25519

    • Strongest so far



Public key

  • Public key can be derived from the private key
  • They are meant to be public, fr. No point trying to keep it secret.
  • The design does not guarantee that the public key cannot be derived from the encrypted material.

Private key

  • The design guarantee that the private key cannot be derived from the encrypted material.


See Encryption


  • ORDERING MATTERS. Do due diligence. See this
    • It’s suggested that we do sign-then-encrypt
    • Because with encrypt-then-sign the sender might be unaware of the actual content of the message.
  • When X wants to send you an encrypted message, they’ll use your public key.
  • So now you got a package that you think came from X.
    • You open it, it’s encrypted.
    • You decrypt it, it gets decrypted. Nice.
    • But now you have no idea, if that package was tampered or MITM’ed or something, because anyone with access to the public key can easily create a file that will pass any file modification tests
    • This is why we need signing
  • When signing, X can sign the message with their private key.
    • Now if you want to verify if it was X that sent the message
    • You use X’s public key to verify that the message certainly came from X
    • And ofc then use your own private key to decrypt rest of the message for yourself.