tags : Linux

Important Resources

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Kernel and CPU

Kernel and Userland

Entry points into the kernel

  • syscalls
  • exceptions
  • traps

Notifications from kernel to userland process

  • Error codes from syscalls
  • Signals: software interrupts sent by the kernel to a specific process to notify it of an event.
  • File Descriptors: Using something like eventfd and then using poll/select/epoll
  • FS based notification: Eg. inotify




We have a syscall to do this, brk and sbrk (wrapper around brk that allows a increment rather than direct address unlike brk), when we are using brk it gives us new memory based on the page size(see obj header diagram above)



  • What it not for but used for

    • Increasing performance by letting things not go to swap. In these cases you might aswell just disable swap for that program(cgroups) rather than setting mlock.
    • Some systems still will swap even if you set mlock



  • When an application interacts with a driver, it can use read, write but it can also use ioctl to send specific stuff.



  • clone allows you to explicitly specify which parts of the new process are copied into the new process, and which parts are shared between the two processes.
  • Using certain flags, we can either create threads or processes using clone()
  • thread : Everything is copied except memory. (Memory is shared). See Threads and Thread Safety


  • A call to fork() is equivalent to a call to clone(2) specifying certain flags. (CLONE_VM)
  • Not used to create Threads but Processes
  • It creates a copy of itself
  • It creates a child process whose page table is a clone of the parent using CoW. i.e Memory is copied, not shared.


  • When we fork(), page table is copied to the child w Copy on Write semantics.
  • When we exec(), it blanks the process’s current page table, discarding all existing mappings, and replaces them with a fresh page table containing a small number of new mappings
    • An executable mmap() of the new file passed to the exec() call.
    • env vars and command line arguments, same pid, a new process stack, and so on.
  • That’s why to launch a new process in Unix-like systems, we do fork(), followed immediately by a call to exec() (execve())



These are only acting advisory. The kernel is not obligated to follow them.


  • provide hints to the operating system about the application’s file access patterns.
  • Sequential, Random, will need etc.


  • provide hints to the operating system about the usage pattern of memory mapped by a process.
  • Sequential, Random, will need etc.