tags : Distributed Systems, Task Queue, Message Queue, Data Replication


See The Dodgy State of Delivery Guarantees - YouTube


Send request, don’t retry, update may not happen


Retry request until acknowledged, may repeat update


  • exactly-once = at-least-once + Idempotence
  • exactly-once = (retry + idempotence) or deduplication
  • It’s similar to TCP/IP. You implement a control protocol on top of an unreliable underlying protocol.
  • “You are talking about distributed systems, nobody expects to read “exactly once” delivery.”
  • “In my experience, the purist version of “exactly-once” exists as a vague, wishy-washy mental model in the brains of developers who have never thought hard about this stuff”
  • “Within the context of a distributed system, you cannot have exactly-once message delivery.”
  • How it’s achieved is via sort of faking it
    • idempotency: Either the messages themselves should be idempotent, meaning they can be applied more than once without adverse effects
    • de-duplication: Or we remove the need for idempotency through deduplication of messages in the queue.
    • transactional processing: If processing of the message and then updating its status back to the queue is done in the same transaction(can be rolled back) that too can be a way I think. The transaction can be distributed or not.
  • Even if something offers this gurantee, it’s better to write code in an idempotent manner


  • SQS FIFO queues have a 5-minute deduplication period. AWS is hashing the message body, saving the hash (for 5 minutes) and then each inbound message is hashed and a lookup is done on existing hashes to see if this one is a ‘duplicate’. This is how AWS SQS is probably able to offer exactly-once gurantee.
    • For such de-duplication service to be actually viable we have to have some kind of availability guarantee. With some kind of quorum this is possible. (See Consensus Protocols)




Data Delivery for Message/Task queues

Some comments from one of my queue implementations in pg that i did for a client

This was inspired by ideas of river queue but we did not have the requirement of transactional enqueueing as this was part of a data pipeline and not userfacing stuff.

Queuing behavior

  • queueing is not idempotent, you’re allowed to queue the same item again and again and it’ll keep creating duplicates which will mutate the state of the queue.
  • We could however have de-duplication by adding some identity hash etc but guess not worth the effort atm
  • function which will push items into is responsible for checking if the items need to be queued or not. Once item is in the queue it’ll be processed.

Processing guarantees

  • processing of items from the queue is guranteed at-least-once execution,
  • there is possibility of re-runs. processing of message should be idempotent.
  • When updating the state/staus of the message, it can be done in either:
    • A: different db transactions(sometimes this is unavoidable)
    • B: same db transactions(ensures that re-runs always start in fresh state)
    • eitherway, this should not be a problem if the entire nature of processing of a message is idempotent