tags : Containers

Ya allah.


  • Started out being built on top of LXC
  • Later moved beyond LXC containers to its own execution environment called libcontainer.


How layers create bloat?

RUN apt-get install foo
RUN foo generate-things
RUN apt-get uninstall foo
  • This will effectively still have foo in the image. (It’s just masking)
  • Layers can add bloat to a docker file. This depends very much on the specifics of what the RUN steps are doing and the order of them.
  • Eg. Just changing files will often create a layer with another copy of those files with the different attributes (e.g. chmod). That means you have very similar content in two separate layers which creates bloat.
  • Each “ALLCAPS” directive in a Dockerfile, like RUN, COPY, etc. are “layers” that get cached. So installing deps should be different layer than copying source code.

What’s the solution to layer bloat?

  • Deleting before creating the layer prevents them from ever actually being stored. You can do this with HEREDOC :)
  • When developing scripts for running inside Docker, to copying of the script as late as possible in the Dockerfile so that the preceding layers can be reused
  • It is possible with build stages/multi staged builds and copy from, but not super trivial.

What firewall changes does Docker do?

See Firewalls

How does docker handle networking

docker network ls --filter 'driver=bridge' # docker0 is default and is named "bridge"
docker network inspect <net_id>

IP and ports

  • Default network range for docker: (TODO: Confirm this range, not that it matters for us)
    • Host: (docker0 ip)
    • 1st container:, 2nd container: etc.
  • When setting port mapping, you can specify the IP, otherwise might get binded to

iptables changes

    • DOCKER : Rules for docker
    • DOCKER-USER : Custom user rules that’ll go before docker’s rules.
  • Any changes added to FORWARD chain will be evaluated after DOCKER and DOCKER-USER chains.
  • docker0 : Rules are used in the FORWARD chain for forwarding packets on this interface to the running containers.

What’s dockers image format?

It’s OCI but legacy.Maybe updated recently?

What about the scratch image?

  • It’s a very simple thing even simpler than busy box. Doesn’t even have a shell.
  • You can attach a shell to it by running another container in its namespace etc. for debugging.

What’s Moby?

  • Umbrella project that develops components used by docker and other container engine. Docker(cli+dockerd) also fall under it.


  • RUN
    • Executes commands in a new layer, creating a new image. Commonly used for installing software packages.
  • CMD
    • Default set of arguments that are supplied to the ENTRYPOINT process.
    • docker run sets the CMD
    • Docker’s default entrypoint is /bin/sh -c. So if you provide CMD without entrypoint, or docker run it, then CMD will be arg to sh -c and SIGTERM will go to pid1 and not to what you have in CMD.
    • Can be overridden with --entrypoint
  • ARG
    • ARG is used to define a build-time variable, possibly with a default value embedded in the Dockerfile, which can be overridden at build-time (by passing —build-arg).
    • ENV overrides ARG, also if there is actual environment variable in the based image, that too would override ARG

Build Caching


How we use it

  • imo just using --cache-to/from should be enough for most usecases for now
  • But for fast local builds we’ll keep on using --mount=type=cache,target=$CACHE_DIR_OF_LANGUAGE_PKG_MGR
    • i.e having --mount=type=cache will not hurt us


  • The default installation of docker makes no effort to prevent host root access from a container. Root in container is root in host.