tags : Containers, Docker, Kubernetes, Podman



What do we talk about when talking about containers in practice

  • specific container image format
  • run-time environment
  • container registry API
  • Other stuff, hence there is a choice in how we can define how a container itself and its ecosystem is implemented. To standardize all this we have the OCI.
  • We have 3 specifications
    • OCI Image spec
    • OCI Runtime spec
    • OCI Distribution spec (Container registry)

OCI Specs

OCI Image Specification

  • A series of tarballs called “layers”.
  • Consists of a JSON configuration (containing environment variables, the path to execute, and so on)

Image creation w Dockerfile

Image creation w/o Dockerfile

Doing this gives you more flexibility eg. create image layers in parallel, decide how layers cache etc.

  • jib : OCI Images for java applications w/o Dockerfile and Docker
  • ko : For building OCI images for no CGO Golang stuff.
  • apko : Building OCI images directly from apk for alpine

OCI Runtime

  • Simply a program that implements the OCI Runtime spec, this program actually runs the container.
  • It does things like setting mounts, cgroups, ns(if using ns), loading processes, tears down etc.
  • It does not care about what is the actual implementation of the “container” is.
  • Examples
    • Native runtimes
      • runc (created by Docker)
      • crun (tries to be faster than runc)
    • Sandboxed runtimes
      • runsc (oci runtime inside gvisor)
    • Virtualized runtimes
      • firecracker-containerd (uses containerd w firecracker)
      • kata containers (uses qemu to create vm and run container there)

OCI Distribution (Container registry)

Container registries are general purpose storage with the added benefit of being able to programmatically understand how the pieces are related.

The engine and orchestrator

Container engines

  • Helps us make use of Image spec + Runtime + Dist
  • Implements client side of the distribution
  • Interprets images
  • Launches containers using a runtime of its choice
  • Provides tools/APIs for managing images, processes, and storage.

by Docker team w CNCF

  • Docker (This is the old docker, the whole thing as we know it)
  • containerd is embedded into Docker.
  • containerd (K8s CRI compatible)
    • By Docker team w CNCF
    • Uses runc for OCI runtime
    • container processes are forked from containerd process.
    • Included in docker, can be used standalone, or with CRI w Kubernetes. Extensible w plugins.
    • CRI compatible but not locked into k8s unlike CRI-O
    • Uses grpc, doesn’t do things like talk to registry etc. without additional software, containerd doesn’t do anything differently from Docker, it just does less.
    • Follows a smart client model
      • When used with Docker, funny enough, dockerd is the smart client for containerd.
      • When used w K8s, CRI plugin is the smart client.
      • ctr (debugging), nerdctl (smart client for standalone containerd)

by RedHat team w CNCF

  • Podman (for Docker replacement and better systemd support)
  • CRI-O (K8s CRI compatible)
    • CRI-O is a separate project(K8s only), not embedded into Podman
    • Uses crun for OCI runtime
    • Developed in lockstep with the Kubernetes release cycle

Container orchestrator (eg. K8s)

These basically scheduling and run containers using a container engine



  • See Nomad
  • Simpler alternative to Kubernetes
  • Single cli: Creates daemons called agents which can run in server/client/both modes.