tags : Message Passing, Design Patterns


Streaming vs Processing

These terms are vague, on top of that redpands, pulsar etc. mix these together

  • Event streaming: Storage and movement of data in real time
  • Event processing: Processing and connectivity of data. connecting source & destination.
  • Eg. kafka ecosystem
    • Storage and movement: Kafka broker
    • Connectivity: kafka connect, flink also can do
    • Processing: ksqldb, flink, kstream

What Models

Model to think about data at rest and data in motion about real world systems.

State based

  • Source of truth: A table that can be mutated
  • This is the more traditional model.
  • More live a snapshot in time

Events based

  • Source of truth: Event log

  • Storing your data as events

  • Retains more data than state based system

  • Events are immutable (You can’t change the past)

  • Event sourcing, Event Streaming, CQRS etc.

  • Current view

    • Whole stream of events is required to derive the current position


  • Immutability
  • Recoverability: If we discover a bug in our system, once we fix the bug, fixing the data is simply replaying the event stream from that previous point.


  • Event log can now contain many different versions of the same schema

Event Sourcing w CQRS

  • Command Query Responsibility Segregation
  • At its heart is the notion that you can use a different model to update information than the model you use to read information.
  • CQRS is not the only way to do this, but most probably one of the most common ways


We write to append only log as events happen

Reading / CQRS

  • Usually to read from a event log, you’ll need to do a chronological reduce over the data. This can take a lot of time based on the size of the data.

  • Solution is to compute this at write time(async).

  • Because of this, system becomes Eventually consistent 🌟

    • Reads might not be immediately available after write.


See CDC ( Change Data Capture )

Event Streaming
