tags : Data Replication, Data Engineering, Ingestion Patterns, Batch Processing Patterns, Event Sourcing


Outbox Pattern


  • These are different things and can compliment each other
  • CQRS
    • Gives us a better and optimized system for r/w if the scenario is right
    • A pattern that separates the read and write responsibilities of a system into distinct components. CQRS allows for a more optimized and scalable system by tailoring the data models and operations to the specific needs of reading and writing.
  • CDC
    • Because w Event driven systems, we get eventual consistency, read data might not be upto-date. If we really need it, we can use CDC.
    • A technique used to capture and propagate data changes from a source system to other systems or components.
    • It focuses on capturing the changes made to a data source and making those changes available to other parts of the system in a real-time or near-real-time manner.
    • Can also be used to add constratints before write.

Replication for CDC

See Data Replication

Resources to come back later