tags : Security, Web Development, Authentication, JWT, Identity Management

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Where to store auth/session token?

  • See Identity Management and API Design
  • Preference is to use cookies for storing auth stuff.
  • For user preference etc. local storage is fine.
  • URL Params / URL args / POST Body : Using these is not recommended but possible for obvious reasons
  • Cookies
    • XSS can be tightened w HTTPOnly cookie
    • Browser will automatically send cookies so no additional handling of auth stuff required
    • Can be set across subdomains. So you can use the same auth for a.x.com and b.x.com which is cool.
    • Easy to clear also
  • Local storage
    • XSS possible
    • Only per origin
    • Not suitable for sensitive stuff
    • Have to send the auth token yourself
  • Session storage
    • Similar to Local Storage but better in this regard
  • See Cookies
  • See Web Storage

What are the ways to do Authentication?