tags : Math, Data Structures, Algorithms, Computation and Computer Theory, Complexity Theory


Basic terms

  • means that we will check every vertex, and on every vertex we check every edge
    • / Node : Set of vertices
    • / Edge : Set of edges, connection btwn nodes
  • Path: Sequence of vertices connected by edges
  • Connectivity
    • Verted:Connected: 2 vertices are connected is there’s a path connecting them
    • Graph:Connected: When every node has a path to another node
    • Connected Component

Common problems

  • Does a path exist
  • Is the graph connected
  • What’s the shortest path
  • Does it contain cycle
  • Given a set of k colors, can we assign colors to each vertex so that no two neighbors are assigned the same color? (Sudoku problem)
  • Does a path exist that uses every edge exactly once?
  • Does a path exist that uses every vertex exactly once? (NP Hard, See Complexity Theory)
  • Solving the minimum cut problem for undirected graphs | Hacker News


  • In the diagram, , is the max number of edges.



  • Path that starts and ends in the same vertex. All Cycles are Path, but not opposite.
  • A graph can have multiple cycles
  • When you start at Node(x), follow the links, and end back at Node(x)
  • Needs 3 nodes
  • Odd/Even cycles
    • odd : odd no of vertices in the cycle
    • even : even no of vertices in the cycle


A graph that contains no cycles


Directed, acyclic graph.



  • A graph whose vertices are (or can be) partitioned into k different independent sets.
  • Recognition of is NP-complete

2-partite (bipartite)

  • aka 2-colorable
  • If there exists and partition of the vertex set into two disjoint-sets
    • i.e has no adjacent vertices & has no adjacent vertices
    • If they’re adjacent then one of them is in and other one is in
  • Bipartite graphs may be recognized in polynomial time
  • Bipartite graphs cannot have any odd cycles. i.e odd cycles not allowed.
    • Eg. triangle has 3 vertices, and is a cycle. So triangle is not bipartite.
  • How to Tell if Graph is Bipartite (by hand)
  • Types

    • Complete: Every vertex in one set is connected to every vertex in the other set.
    • Matching: Each vertex is connected to at most one other vertex from the opposite set.
    • Planar: Can be embedded in the plane without any edges crossing.


  • Regular: Every vertex has the same degree.
  • Multigraph: Allows multiple edges between the same pair of vertices.
    • Eg. Being able to swim across a river or take a raft across the same river is an example in games.

Graph representation

Adjacency Matrix

  • with vertices and edges
    • is a matrix with
    • if
    • if
  • Space complexity is
    • Has entry for no-edges
    • Has double entry for undirected edges

Adjacency List

  • Nx1 array of pointers
  • Each element(vertex()) points to a linked list of edges incident on vertex
  • The direction/order of items in the “edge list” for each “vertex” do not tell anything about if there any network exists between a edge items themselves.
    • i.e A: [B, C], this means A is connected to B and C but tells us nothing about the relation of B and C. This can be confusing because B and C are next to each other in a link list. In other words, link list is just the implementation and not the logical view.
  • List contains list of “what am i adjacent to”
  • Each vertex (N) has set of edges (M). No of edges per vertex is called the degree
    • So, in a way no. of neighbors of some vertex is the degree
  • Space complexity
    • Sparse
      • Space Complexity
        • (undirected) or (directed)
        • total N vertices (items in array)
        • total M edges
        • In undirected, each connected N has the edge mentioned both ways. So 2M
    • Dense
      • Space Complexity:

Graph Nodes

  • Graph Nodes etc. like we do with linked list
  • But we don’t do it this way in practice generally
